Provincial Synod 2022 Letter to Delegates

Provincial Synod 2022

Truth and Reconciliation —
Our Journey Toward Freedom in Christ

Download Convening Circular for the 50th Synod 2022

Download Minutes of the 49th Synod 2018

Download General Synod Strategic Plan Docs

Download Expense Claim Form

To the Delegates of the 50th Session of Provincial Synod

The 50th Session of Provincial Synod will convene in Prince Albert, SK, on Thursday evening, April 28th, to Sunday mid-day on May 1, 2022. With two previously postponed dates, we are hopeful the third time will be a charm! Members of Synod will be hosted by the Diocese of Saskatchewan and welcomed by local Indigenous First Nations leaders as we gather at the Coronet Hotel in Prince Albert, SK.

For the health and safety of our members, as well as for the community of Prince Albert, our gathering must comply with Saskatchewan Provincial Health orders and hotel policies. This currently requires all delegates to provide proof of vaccination (or medical exemption documentation) upon arrival. Those who cannot meet these requirements should notify their synod office who will assign an alternate delegate to attend.

The theme chosen for this 50th Session of Synod is: Truth & Reconciliation – Our Journey Toward Freedom in Christ (based on John 32:8) Local Indigenous leaders have been invited to serve as members of the Synod Planning Committee to ensure our gathering is representative of our provincial composition and shared vision for true partnership in Christ.

Details for Synod are outlined below. Please read carefully and thoroughly.

Date of Synod: April 28, 2022 to May 1, 2022

Place of Synod: Coronet Hotel, 3551 2 Ave W, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5G1 (ph. 306-764-6441)

On-line Registration for Synod will be required through the Provincial Website Registration opens on January 22, 2022. Deadline for registration is March 1. If you do not have access to a computer, please ask your Synod Office to assist you with the registration process.

*New this Synod…. Pre-Synod Webinars!

  • Three pre-synod webinars, each offered by a different person with a unique perspective, will help us prepare to inform and engage us. These 90 minute webinars are scheduled for the following Saturdays: January 29, 2022 (by Mr. Fred Payton); February 26, 2022 (by the Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Still) and March 26, 2022 (by Dr. Chris Trott). All three webinars will commence at 10am CST.
  • Once you register you will receive confirmation of your registration and the Webinar log-in information for that webinar.

At Synod: (At the Coronet Hotel, Thursday, April 28th)

  • Delegate registration opens at 12:00 noon on Thursday, April 28, 2022, and continue until 5pm on Thursday. Registration will re-open again on Friday morning.
  • Opening Worship of Synod will be held at 7 pm at St. Alban’s Cathedral followed immediately by the election of a Metropolitan. A reception hosted by the Diocese of Saskatchewan will follow.
  • All subsequent sittings will be held at the Coronet Hotel, beginning Friday morning through Sunday morning.
  • The closing worship will take place at the conclusion of our business on Sunday, May 1, 2022, when we will offer to God all that we have accomplished together for God’s Church.

Travel Arrangements/Transportation

Delegates from Brandon^, Qu’Appelle, Saskatoon, and Saskatchewan should travel by vehicle. Those travelling by vehicle are asked to car pool as able arriving in Prince Albert early afternoon on Thursday to register and check into their rooms. Please consider renting a vehicle (with unlimited mileage option) and submitting rental fees and gas costs for reimbursement, as this is frequently more economical than reimbursement for per km travel, and saves wear and tear on personal vehicles. Travel by vehicle reimbursement is paid per km at the following rates:

$0.25 per km for 1 delegate per car;

$0.35 per km for 2 delegates per car;

and $0.45 per km for 3 or more delegates per car.

^Delegates from Brandon diocese who choose to fly will be reimbursed at the amount of round-trip travel by vehicle, or return economy air fare, whichever is less.

Delegates from The Arctic, Athabasca, Calgary, Edmonton, Rupert’s Land and The Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh are authorized to travel by air (including a combination of ground transportation, as necessary). Reimbursement will be paid up to return economy air fare, (plus a per km amount for those whose travel must include both vehicle and air.) Please watch for seat sales, and book your travel early.

*Delegates from the above-noted dioceses who choose to drive will be reimbursed at the amount of round-trip travel by return economy air fare, or by car, whichever is less.

All travelling by air should plan to arrive in Saskatoon by 1:00 pm as on Thursday, April 28. Group transportation will be provided by Coach Bus to transport delegates from the Airport to Prince Albert. Special arrangements will be made for those arriving after the Bus departs. Exact time of Bus departure will be determined by flight arrivals.

Return flights should not depart Saskatoon Airport prior to 3pm on Sunday, May 1.

Reimbursement for expenses:

All eligible expenses will be reimbursed as per policy by completing the Expense Claim Form (attached). *If reimbursement is required prior to Provincial Synod, please submit a copy of your paid airline invoice along with the completed expense form to the Provincial Treasurer, Mrs. Suzanne Wray @ or mail to: Site 15, Box 8, RR1 Millarville, AB M0L 1K0.

Accommodation and Meals

The whole of the Coronet Hotel has been booked for our use. Accommodation is based on double occupancy. Please indicate your choice of roommate when completing the on-line registration. Accessible rooms are available as necessary but are limited in number; or if single accommodation is necessary, please email the Secretary at

All meals will be taken at the Hotel starting with supper on Thursday and concluding with breakfast on Sunday. A boxed lunch will be available for Sunday. Please be sure to advise of dietary restrictions or food allergies when registering on-line. Those who arrive prior to lunch on Thursday may eat at the Coronet Restaurant, pay their bill, and submit for reimbursement with your other expenses. All expense claims must be supported with receipts.

The Convening Circular and Conference material:

The Convening Circular will be posted on the Provincial Website in mid-March. Delegates will be notified when it has been posted. PLEASE DOWNLOAD the Circular to your tablet, I-pad or Laptop. If a printed copy of the circular is required, check the box “printed copy” on the on-line registration form. The printed Circular will be available for pick up at the Synod. Please read all the material prior to coming to the Synod.

Participation at Synod:

Your active participation in Gospel-based Discipleship (Bible Study), and various group discussions will enhance not only your experience at Synod, but enrich others’ experience and be of benefit the gathering as a whole.

Elections will be held for the various committees and boards of our Provincial current structure. Please consider how God is calling you to serve whether it be on one of the committees or one of the positions available for election. Details about elections and nomination forms will be included with the Convening Circular.

Looking forward to sharing this experience as together we journey toward freedom in Christ,

Susan Suppes

Canon Susan Suppes,
Provincial Secretary
Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land
Canon Susan Suppes,
Provincial Secretary
Cell: 204-803-8472
eprlsecretary @