Welcome Synod Delegates! This is the place for you to register for Synod.
A few notes before you register
Please read the letter sent to all delegates before proceeding with your registration. Letter to delegates
Travel Arrangements/Transportation:
Delegates from Calgary, Edmonton, Athabasca (if possible), Qu’Appelle, Saskatoon and Saskatchewan should travel by vehicles and carpool as much as possible. Travel by car is paid per km at the following rates: $0.25 per km for 1 delegate per car; $0.35 per km for 2 delegates per car; and $0.45 per km for 3 or more delegates per car.
Delegates from The Arctic, Rupert’s Land, Brandon and The Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh are authorized to travel by air. Please try to make your return flight later on the afternoon of May 26. We ask that you try and find the cheapest airfare as we are trying to be good stewards of our financial resources. Reimbursement will be paid up to return economy fare.
Reimbursement for expenses can be requested by completing an Expense Claim Form. Please email the Provincial Secretary and she will email you the form. Forms will be available at Synod.
Accommodation and Meals:
We have booked 2 bedroom dormitory apartments in the International House at the University of Calgary. The two bedrooms share a bathroom and a living space but the bedrooms are separate. If there is someone that you would like to share with, please indicate that on the registration form.