An Apology from the Synod Planning Committee
In preparation for Provincial Synod the Planning Committee designed a series of pre-synod webinars for delegates as a way of introducing our theme for synod, Truth & Reconciliation: Our Journey toward Freedom in Christ. Three such seminars were arranged. The first offered on Jan 29th, was to offer an historical timeline from the advent of Christianity in the area known as Rupert’s Land and early relationships with Indigenous peoples, particularly in the Red River Settlement and westward to Prince Albert, where the 2022 Synod will take place.
During that presentation, the presenter in interpreting his research included some assumptions and statements which unintentionally caused pain and hurt for some Indigenous attendees. The planning group accepts responsibility for these events, and for failing to anticipate the hurt they could cause. We are deeply sorry and offer our apology. We have reached out to those who shared their hurt and who challenged interpretations in the presentation, during the question and answer period. We have listened and offered an apology to those who expressed hurt.
We have consulted with a number of Indigenous leaders for advice on how to proceed, as the last thing we wish to do is increase hurt by well-intentioned wrong actions. As a result of these conversations, an additional webinar will be offered to educate synod members on “The Indian Act” (to be presented by The Rev. Vincent Solomon) on a date yet to be determined.
As well, additional Resources will be posted on the Provincial website:
- A link to the website for the Centre for Truth & Reconciliation, which includes a 1-800 number for residential school survivors who need to reach out: 1-866-925-4419
- A series of presentations on Indigenous Awareness Training, prepared by the Diocese of Rupert’s Land
- A Bibliography of print resources for delegates is being compiled
The next scheduled webinar is February 26th at 10am CST. The Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Still, Co-chair of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, and Priest of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, will present Together Toward Self-determination, a synopsis of the journey toward a self-determining Indigenous church.
A hurt is a hurt, whether intended or not, and we are sorry.
The Most Rev. Gregory Kerr-Wilson, Metropolitan
The Rev. Dr. Iain Luke, Prolocutor,
On behalf of the Synod Planning Committee
Feb 13, 2022
The first pre-synod Webinar was held on Jan 29th. Even with short notice nearly 40% of eligible delegates were able to join in. Unfortunately, during that presentation some assumptions and statements were made which unintentionally caused pain and hurt for some Indigenous attendees. The Planning Committee accepts responsibility for these events, and for failing to anticipate the hurt they could cause. Please see the above apology.